October 21, 2009

Three For One

I'm tired. The word tired is tired. I need a new word for tired. Can you see I'm really tired? Yes, I'm obviously tired. Iwasthisclose to having a meltdown today just from being tired. Midterms are here. Assignments that seem like term projects are in process. Final projects have been given out. Tests and quizzes to deal with. Papers to write. I was never a strong writer. Hello, a bachelor's in engineering. It just takes me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to gather my 888 thoughts together and put them in sentences. Sometimes I blog in between writing to reboot the thought process. One thing about studying here, you can hardly BS your way to get a good grade. Professors mean business.

My one fortune cookie from tonight's chinese takeout had three things to say to me. The picture's readable right?

1.) Tell me about it. Ha!
2.) I didn't get a word. I got a conversation. I had a question about our final term project on buying. Before answering, my professor had words for me about the swimwear buy project I submitted yesterday which she had already checked. My reaction to her reaction? I was floored. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I will not forget that 8 minute sprint from her office to the museum at FIT.
3.) Who needs great honor? The job that feels right next year will be more than enough.

Maybe I do know what the bejeezus I'm doing. Today's one of them days when I will choose to SEE signs. Even if it's something as stupid as a fortune cookie.

I will not run on caffeine for the rest of the week.
I will not run on caffeine for the rest of the week.
I will not run on caffeine for the rest of the week.

Okay, back to that informational interview paper.

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