December 11, 2008

FIT-ting In

So I found out I got accepted into FIT's one year program about two weeks ago!!! (Boy did they take awhile, August ko pa to inumpisahan)

I've made my decision. Wala ng atrasan to. I'm excited, scared, wistful, anxious, happy. Obviously a mumbo jumbo, mish mash of emotion craziness. (at least on the day I found out, I'm sober now).

So this is what it feels like to get the chance at what you've wanted to go for, for soo, soooo long...

Baby steps, giant steps? Does it really matter? Wish me luck/support/motivation guys! I'm going to need it.

I've looked at some of the subjects I'll be taking. LOOKS LIKE NO MORE CALCULUS!!! KkKkk

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