October 27, 2008

The IT Planner Is Back

Yes! Belle Du Jour!!!

Now on its third year, this planner is jampacked with interesting pages to help you, the IT girl, to focus and live 2009 to the fullest. Five of my personal favorite pages include:

2009 Goals -- to keep your eyes on the ball!!
Take the first step to turning your dreams and ambitions into realities. Let this page be a constant reminder of your life goals.

Dream Board Page -- because dreaming's always free
The next time you see a falling star, don’t just close your eyes and whisper the dream away. Jot it down on your personal dream board and whisk it into reality.

Menstrual Tracker -- so you don't get caught by surprise
Keep track of those “special” days. Knowing your menstrual symptoms, flows, and patterns is vital to your health.

Health Checklist -- because health is wealth!!

Do you know which types of doctors you should see regularly? Don’t fret; we’ll be your constant reminder so that you’ll never miss another doctor’s appointment ever again.

Vacation Planner - must always make time for this
It doesn’t matter if your next VL is months away. Plan early and have a stress-free va-ca!

Oh did I mention coupons? 60 COUPONS to use at your favorite local retailers!!! 40 of which when used before October 20, 2009
will get earn you a discount for your 2010 Belle Du Jour Planner.

Go ahead! You know you want it! Pre order at the Belle Du Jour website today! Reservations submitted on or before October 30, 2008 get a 5% discount.

Planner Details:
SRP: Php 598
Size: 6.5 x 8
Retailers: selected Powerbooks Specialty Store and National Bookstore
Email: ilovebdj@belledejourpowerplanner.com

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