I have zero experience in making my own class schedule come registration time. At DLSU, we were classified as "regular" or "irreg" students. If you're "regular" (I forget now how), you are automatically pre-registered in block sections and have the option two just accept ready made class schedules or not. I always opted to accept. You don't get to pick your own but most of the time, the timing wasn't that horrible. If there were looong breaks, you just hung out you know? KkKk.

Orientation was four days long January 20th to the 23rd. I went to all mandatory meetings for the School of Business and Technology, Financial Aid and for Fashion Merchandising Management (FMM) and got the stuff above. There were a couple of sessions that I didn't bother to join such as "Partying Safely in NYC" (Hello, I'm 27 years old, I should know by now), "SoHo tour" (I've been 'touring' on my own), "Developing a Network of Friends and Interests" (wow) etc... Honestly, spreading it out across four days was a waste of time. One or two days would have been enough. It must been designed for international and out of state students who were dorming. It was fun and informative nonetheless. As my program is only a year long, I have to plan my activities early and quickly to maximize all that the school can offer.
I've met a 19 year old taking the two year program. The age gap is funny/interesting. She's already asked me for advice and 20 gillion questions about "life", "career" and "love" when she found out I was 27. She's offered her dorm to hang out at in the 5 hours we've known each other. What if I was some psycho, clepto maniac?!?!?! I told her thanks but to be careful who she invites to her dorm and what not. I can't relate to the level of her issues anymore! I've found myself mentally shaking my head. It's quite cute as it's mainly about this boy she thinks is THE ONE. Oh the bliss of young "love".

I don't want to speed age but I'm glad I'm not there anymore. I'd like to think that I have a better handle of 'life' situations. (or maybe not) bwahahhaha kkkKkKKK. As the days go by, I'm sure I'll have more of these generation gap stories not just with people I meet but also with school technologies that FIT offers. I've started to feel a wee bit ancient.
To wrap this up, I leave you with shots of this sign at the school ID center that cracked me up and my school supplies. I can't believe I have school supplies again.
Tomorrow's the first day of classes. So it begins...

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