December 18, 2008

Whatta Man!

Our President/CEO unexpectedly lost his 23 year old son not more than two weeks ago. Today we had the company Christmas luncheon and he dressed up as Santa Claus. He was all cheery, "HO! HO! HO!", giving out candy and awards, cracking jokes as if all in the world was fine and dandy, thanking each and everyone for their hard work.

I am not a parent so I can only imagine what pain he must have been feeling. I don't know how he was able to do that. If that was me, I think I'd have to be heavily sedated.

He's such a likeable, jolly old good person that you can't help but be drawn to him and his Texas drawl. He IS Santa Claus. He looks like him with his white beard. I am pretty sure he went back to work today just for the luncheon. I say 'whatta man' because today he showed strength and professionalism in spite of his loss.

To me, that's wow. Just something I want to keep in mind.

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