November 02, 2008

Sino Ba?

I'm a listed Democrat. I voted for Hillary, I liked her and she's nowhere. I still can't make up my mind. Openly discussing it in a super democratic state as NJ's no help. I was cornered at work by at least four persons the one time I said I wasn't sure who to vote for yet. "Why would you not vote for Obama?! Are you a republican?! You better make sure you vote for Obama! Why aren't you sure? It's a no brainer. Why do you think differently?" I stood up and said: "This is exactly why!" I'll decide for myself thank you very much. I went on and researched and read on the many differences. I might be a Republican after all.

Anyways, for the heck of it. I took this test on ABC. My results show Obama which contradicts me agreeing with Republican ideas. Kay gulo! KkkKKkkk!!! Maybe I haven't lived in the US long enough to figure what I really am. It's interesting though how great the divide is between the two parties and how insanely passionate people can get discussing it. Undecided voters apparently hold the key to this election I'm quite frankly tired of.

Whatevs. I just want my free caffeine fix from Starbucks on Tuesday. Sino man manalo, sakit ng ulo mo! After Tuesday, move on and get to work na.

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