November 05, 2008

Nice To Meet You Mr. O

I never hid my initial choice for president when it came down to Obama and McCain. I wanted Hillary. Ha! I wasn't going to go all Democratic just like that. So I read and read and read and realized that I was really agreeing more with our conservative Repubs. I debated/discussed with people. Halos mapako ako sa trabaho because I dared to differ for the sake of examining the other side. I wanted to figure it out talaga. I took online tests on issues/stands where my results were practically 50/50. Identity crisis inabot ko. Maybe I'm an independent after all? Just what is an independent? Exag ano? Ang gulo. LOL. kkKKkkkK

I was still undecided/leaning McCain until Monday night and BHL changed my mind. Just.Like.That. Medyo weird ano? Pero sometimes you just hear/see/feel something in a credible person's words that make you do a complete 180. What if? Why not? Just maybe. I tried to look for the text of his interview but it's nowhere in the world wide web. As much as I'd like to elaborate with beautiful words and sentences, I don't have that gift at all. A chord was struck, so let's just leave it at that.

Anyways, I've got to admit, the doubts started to creep back right after I pressed the orange CAST VOTE button for Mr. O. I thought that I would feel that Yay, woohoo, I made a difference, maybe have a sense of added empowerment. Corny-ness. One vote making a difference is like winning the lottery. 1 in 60 million ata yung stats na nabasa ko. So yadayadayada. Pero ika nga, firsts are to be remembered and so I will. Snaps for my first vote in an election so historic it's insane.

Eto na lang masasabi ko, Mr. President Obama. The world is watching. They love/hate America whether they admit it or not. America as a country is not bound by the same race, religion, color, belief, culture etc.... but by ideas, opportunities, differences -- that overused phrase they call the American Dream. You have embodied it. That is amazing. Your greatest challenge can be summed in two words for me: GREAT EXPECTATIONS. I know you're inheriting a mess so big it's giant but hey, that's part of the job you applied for. I look forward to the real change your campaign promised us a gazillion times. Inangkin mo na nga yung salitang "change". Huwag mong sirain yung ibig sabihin. I witnessed the fire that you have again lit in the American public with my own eyes. Please don't let us down. The four year clock has started ticking, get to work ha?

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