June 20, 2010

Low Main Hair + Beautiful Lengths

My mom said I had very little hair as a kid. See?

My yaya (nanny) painstakingly used coconut milk squeezed from grated coconut meat from the palengke (market). The by product was then used on my skin. It helped and my hair grew a just bit thicker. To this day, my hair is still very fine and straight. No need to do all sorts of treatments to get it to cooperate. I'm quite lucky because it's low maintenance! I've used one or two styles of combs all my life. They're really for wavy hair. More like hair picks. I usually just use my fingers to detangle my locks. I don't know how own or know how to use a hair dryer. I wash and wear. 

I'm on a mission to grow my hair out so that I can give it away. My hair has never been this long since I was in elementary school. I now have to use a proper hair brush! I don't know how to pick hair stuff out so I just bought this from TJ Maxx at more than half off. So far... It actually feels good to brush your hair!!! 

It'll take at least eight more months before I have the eight inches I need. The heat is on in our parts and it's very tempting to just lop it all off. An ex colleague did it and she has encouraged and inspired me to do the same. I can do this! Pantene Beautiful Lengths, here I come!!! Click here for more information. 

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